To give you an idea of the vast amount
of IRC networks available we gathered together some short introductions to the most
important IRC networks available. Of all of these large networks the most important
servers are included in mIRC's distribution files. We'd like to point to the irc://Links provided in these lists; click on
a "irc://Link" and mIRC will be launched by your browser and connect to the
selected network!
irc://DALnet -
DALnet was created by The EFnet's #startrek users as a quiet place where they could run
their channel without having to deal with takeovers and netsplits. But the people who run
DALnet stress that its not just for trekkers anymore. With about 120K users DALnet is now
one of the largest and most active IRC networks available. It is well organized and one of
the five most famous IRC networks.

irc://IRCnet - IRCnet is an IRC network that split of the
large EFnet some years ago. At first it mainly consisted of European servers but overseas servers have
joined to make a world-wide network with about 110K users.

irc://Undernet - Undernet is a good alternative to
EFnet. It provides a friendly and stable IRC network. The Undernet is growing in size very
rapidly due to the continous improvements to the servers and the information and help
provided to its users. Currently it holds about 100K users.

irc://QuakeNet - QuakeNet is the place tobe for
everybody who likes a little fragging, or more ;-) With its huge amount of users you'll
surely find people available for a game of Quake, or other games.

irc://EFnet - Eris Free net was the largest IRC network for
years and years, with about 85K online users on an average day. Because of its massive
size EFnet is having a lot of problems with lag, netsplits, op hacking and various other
things. But it is still the most popular IRC network.

irc://Newnet - NewNet once a small network of servers
forced of EFnet, now a respectable and well maintained IRC network with 50+ servers
linked. Its amount of users is still small but that might be just what you're looking for?

irc://Brasirc e irc://Brasnet
s�o as maiores redes de IRC do Brasil. Elas s�o dedicadas aos usu�rios de IRC users de
todo o Brasil e a todas as pessoas que falem portugu�s.

irc://Chatnet - ChatNet is another US based IRC network.

irc://Galaxynet - Galaxynet firmly established itself
as one of the more popular networks. Apart from IRCnet, it serves more countries with
local servers than any other.

irc://IRC-Hispano - IRC-Hispano es la mayor red de
IRC de habla hispana del mundo, con m�s de 750.000 usuarios diarios y llegando a picos
que superan facilmente los 44.500 usuarios simult�neos. iRC-Hispano ofrece un amplio
surtido de servicios para usuarios y empresas con o sin experiencia. Os invitamos a
explorar esta web y ver todo lo que iRC-Hispano tiene que ofreceros.

irc://StarLink - Starlink is dedicated to provide an IRC
experience that is friendly, comfortable, and pleasant for all who visit.

irc://Austnet - Austnet is a very well organised net of
Australian origine.

irc://Webnet - WebNet, formerly entirely run on Windows
servers, developed into a very decent alternative to the major networks. The network still
is a Showcase for the Conferenceroom server software.

The list above is far from complete.
There are lots and lots of IRC Networks and most of them have servers on all continents.
Most networks have Web pages providing more information and up-to-date server lists. Have
fun browsing around!
Netsplit provides a top 300+ of IRC networks.
See IRC Server statistics at
KidLink for kids,
KidsWorld for kids,
ScoutLink for scouts,
QuakeNET for quakers,
Enter the Game for gamers,
Gamesnet for gamers
More Networks